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Thursday, December 7, 2023

Bah Humbug!

So, I am now 61 and I want to enjoy Christmas and my life again. I miss the times I spent with my aunts, uncles and cousins at my grandparents' house at Christmas. We didn't have much, but the food was great and the laughter was contagious. Now, I'm grown. My children are grown with kids of their own and have their own traditions or live too far away to come home and I feel alone. I have my church but most friends are married with small kids and who wants a third wheel hanging out who is depressed about Christmas? Have I told you I hate getting old and having very few friends? I'm lonely even when I'm not alone.

I can see how so many people, old and young alike, become depressed. I blame so much of mine on ex-boyfriends and ex-husband, but I do not discount my input as well.. When you are told over and over again you are nothing without them and they can always "one-up" you, you begin the downward spiral into feeling sorry for yourself. I never felt worthy to be married. I sometimes question if I was a good mother; I still question that. 

Fast forward to 2023 when I turned 70.

My perspective of myself has not gotten any better. This year I also lost my “soulmate “. I realize now that I became what she needed me to be. So it appears to me that this is a habit I seem to follow with friends and family around me. I guess this allows me to accept or tolerate any number of situations I find myself in. So now that I live y myself with no significant other I don’t know how to act. I see this doesn’t allow me to be genuine with my granddaughters. I seem to not be able to relate to them as my grandmother did with me. Or, maybe I am like my grandmother Smith. This causes me much distress and I feel I may never be able to communicate with them as I would like.

If they ever have the opportunity to read this they will know me a little better and maybe I will get past this block I have in my mind. Anybody have any suggestions?